Mt Shuksan

In and Out of Consciousness, an invitation to peace. Anyone aware of the desire for self realization, interested in Advaita, non dualism, Hooponopono, opening the heart, anyone who wants to share with us is welcome here. You are the giver and the gift, at once.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Love Letters, First

Love Letters

No explanation at the moment, I just know that at this time, I must write love letters.

Let me explore how life is living me, because in my hasty judging (the root of all discontent), the judgment we make and others make of how our lives are lacks insight and compassion, the breadth of life.

For a long time now I have been doing nothing that the "world" values, and as a result I don’t value what I am doing either.
I should know better than this, but on myself, as most of us are, I am too harsh. How crazy this is, to value what others value, create what others create, avoid what others avoid. (The Tao) This is life living me, I must celebrate, THIS.

How many times have I said that it is not in what we do, that we have our value, but in what we are that gives us value? Yet these words are designed to comfort someone else, and I haven’t applied them to me.

That I admire Karen Armstrong’s life, her writing, (spiral Staircase, others) that I can see the hand of the omnificent God creating her life, through the struggles she imparts in her book, and I have upon my desk Wayne Dyers book, Manifest your Destiny, I can plainly see these are their lives, and we each, are being lived in a different way. No one life is better than another, that is just another judgement that keeps us from the truth.

My words may not be published, I may seem to touch but a few souls, yet isn't that is impossible, to touch a few souls, for we are one and what one does, is progress and experience for all.

Judging is a human thought form, not a divine one, and all lives are expressions of divinity, all lives are as real, as non real, violent lives, easy lives, struggling lives, we all are that life which has validation just in being.
So today let me say how life is living me, for in this very simple act of acknowledging this, I will find my own acceptance, and connection with the divinity that I cannot see that, I am, always.

Last night I made lunch for Mike. I made 2 delicious roast beef sandwiches, with Muenster cheese and mayonnaise. I included a nice small bowl of home cooked pinto beans in one of my pottery bowls that I made with my own hands on my wheel (that I think I waste if I am not doing it all the time). I sealed cottage cheese and sweet pickles into a plastic container and wrapped it with wrap, and added a granny smith apple.

I packed it all in a plastic bag open in the fridge so he would see it first things this morning. I knew if I was not up, he would make a latte with the machine I purchased for simple pleasures, and noticed my mind condemning me for not always being up at 5 to make his breakfast; for not always packing a lunch, for not making more of a life making pots or money, for so many failures.

I am aware that even those who make millions have to distract themselves with buying to escape the mind that is always judging and dictating, and hurting each of us. I have few of these indulgences to escape myself, I live closely to myself each day, and I am not always easy to take.. but, I want to thank my mere, and complete being, for my small contributions, acts, for my being lived in whatever way the universe decides to live me, and forget what minds have to say of this, for minds are just making a mess of the truth of our divinity.

Puddy slept with me and crawled under the covers and curled up next to my heart, where he could hear life beating, and feel the warmth of this life. As if to say,” I missed you and want to know you are really here alive and close by again, your life is important to my own.” Life is living him, my dear fuzzy kitty, my Romeow. He sits close by as I write, beside me on a chair on a cushion, or like now on a cushion near the window, right by my desk. He always seeks me out, whatever room I inhabit, he is there, He comes to the door to greet me when I arrive home, he comes into the house and finds me wherever I am and,” mrow mrow,” he says, “ I am home,” he appreciates me, just for me.

Responsibility, discipline, Hot topics, lol what responsibility do I have? Is it really the way the world looks at being responsible that is truth? Or is that sense of being responsible really what keeps us from manifesting all that is available to us at all times. Coming to grips with my divinity is my responsibility, if I have any. Remember now, responsibility is the ability to respond. I have that!

I sip a home made latte from a large beautiful bowl like cup made by potter I just met, and I appreciate him for this one cup of life he has made, and for the being who shared a few stolen moments with me while working to talk of making pots, and art.

Appreciation, what is more important than that?

What can be more fulfilling than just knowing you’re being lived, and that whatever form it takes is divine, although people misunderstand and ask questions about topics such as cruelty, we all add to that by believing we are separate, when all there is, is love.

When I appreciate my own world, my own,” seeming self, without “doing,” I am realizing the truth of my divinity. Inner judgment ultimately stands in the way of compassion and peace on this level of reality we refer to as; time, space and earth. I appreciate everyone for his or her life, and small contributions, and I am certain everyone, even the most hardened person is being lived and is divine. I am being lived by love, “ I am,” love’s expression in this, “time dream,” we share.

This is my letter for love for today.

Lynn, thank you for your feedback and edits.


At 5:15 AM, Blogger ShiningDawn said...

Beautiful love letters, Passionvine. Too often, when I become aware of the gifts the Divine has bestowed upon me, I turn around and deem that the most fitting act of appreciation is to turn those gifts into work, which soon turns to drudgery, which soon turns to abandoning the gifts altogether. "Love Letters, First," re-read this morning reminded me to let life live me and that the greatest act of appreciation I can offer is to play at those divinely granted gifts with the passion of a child.

All Love and Gratitude,


At 6:05 AM, Blogger Passionvine said...

I can relate to that so well. The childlike abandon of playful creating, which is the beautiful expression of self and divine, is not to be destroyed by an attitude of slavery.

Our lives are obviously seeing backwards, it is reflected in this world, the way we think we have; no lightness of being, no divine energy, no ability to manifest whatever is needed. We live as if we were destitute, most of us, when surely, everything is abundently available to us as creators, and co creators of THIS.

Thank you for your thoughtful response this morning, you do bring in the dawn shining.

At 10:09 PM, Blogger lynn said...

I love your love letters, too, sherry. You are so welcome for my tiny edit on the one part.

Yes, bringing our affirmations, our realizations into the present is what makes them true.

Passion flowers are gorgeous. Is that the same thing as psssionvine? It is a beautiful vine, with purple blooms, like a crown, or a flying saucer, looking almost too perfect to be real.

We had some planted, that bloomed for a couple of years, then died back. But a volunteer sprung up on the outside of our front redwood fence. The "handyman" of the mean-spirited developer (observation, not judgment) next door, would come down our sidewalk, trimming our bougainvillea, sweeping trash through our gate, causing trouble. One day while I was gone he cut down our passion vine.

But though I mourn this loss, and the losses that surround me today, Ravi's, Georgia's, kiki's friends, my stepbrother, and all friends passed, I am comforted by the realization that we are all, of whatever faith, part of the body of Christ, knowing that we are all brothers and sisters, in spirit, that spirit remains pure, love is unconditional. I am.

At 11:10 PM, Blogger Passionvine said...

Karen, glad to see you on, and posting. You are so needed here.

Lynn, Kiki wrote she was going to Tx but didn't mention a funeral, I sensed something somber in her mail. Thank you for sharing. It helps me trust myself, my strong intuition.

Yes, passionvine is the same as, it just wasn't available, so I chose vine. besides "vine" has some interesting symbolism, I have found. It seems to fit.

They are lovely, I have seen photos of red ones. I have a white one here a this home.

I am sorry to hear of your step brother passing Lynn, Is there anything I can do to extend loves grace just now?


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