Mt Shuksan

In and Out of Consciousness, an invitation to peace. Anyone aware of the desire for self realization, interested in Advaita, non dualism, Hooponopono, opening the heart, anyone who wants to share with us is welcome here. You are the giver and the gift, at once.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Satsang links to Nirmala (online video satsang) Gina Lake

Nirmala Satsang

Nirmala offers video Satsang here online. There are several, and he is very clear and understands so much of what I inquire into.

I spoke with him this morning when I called to make an appointment with Gina, he was very generous with his time, and talking with me and I felt a great relief in just speaking with him, personally. He clarified the conscious will it requires to be present, which was confusing me because of different teachings I had heard, mixed with my own naive experience years ago.

And we were just getting to talk of my old, "technique," and he said using an old technique can be like reusing an old Kleenex...and there we had to stop because he had an appointment. I think, that now I do have a clarity, and now just need the conscious will to do this, which would have been my next question, how does one muster the will?

We discussed what to do when it seems a thousand tennis balls are coming at once as I said, and he said it was just to watch the overwhelm. We discussed the mind as I have noticed, telling me how I feel, but when I look for the feeling in my body, often, so often, no such feeling exists.

Nirmala told me of a part in the movie, A beautiful Mind where Russell Crow asks someone if that can see a person he thinks he sees, but is unsure because he hallucinates, and when he was told , "yes." he says to this person, "I can talk to you then." I loved this, because I need a reality check so often, with all the mind stuff that has been hitting me.

We also discussed the fact that there are no mistakes, because we are eternal beings, we have all the time there is to get where we are going. I experienced this many years ago and I know it's true, but it is true for me as a memory, not my current experience. He said that is better than not at all.

I am blessed by talking with Nirmala for 5 minutes, it was not too much, for me, or too little. Short is very sweet, it isn't overwhelming. I can put it to use. Perfect, like a shared slice of flan, to be savored, and blissfully delicious. It has been a wonderful beginning to a day for me. Thank you Nirmala.

Nirmala does one on one Satsang over the phone, as well. His site has free downloads, which are a blessing, and a generosity.

He is going to Victoria this weekend, and I think I may just go there to be in Satsang with him since I didn't attend his Satsangs here the past few years.

I just found this site of Gina's. Gina is Nirmala's wife, and her e-book, Radical Happiness, addresses; happiness, suffering, and life. Gina Lake
Free chapter of her e-book.
These excerpts from Gina's book are very light and clear. You can read an entire chapter for free. Take a look.

She does astrology readings and also channeling Theo, a collective consciousness on the mid-causal plane.

Tulips Sherry M Stewart 2005


At 10:42 PM, Blogger lynn said...

Loved this post, Sherry. Thank you for sharing your light, your experiences, and feelings.

I enjoyed listening to the audio Satsang link, too. Wonderful.

At 10:25 AM, Blogger Passionvine said...

Lynn, I am glad you liked satsang with Nirmala, what a blessing to have this...the internet is surely a planned occurence to unite and inspire and bring those together who are searching for truth. wow, knowing it is somehtng that cannot be had in every town, it is surely wonderful we have this way of going to Satsang.


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