Mt Shuksan

In and Out of Consciousness, an invitation to peace. Anyone aware of the desire for self realization, interested in Advaita, non dualism, Hooponopono, opening the heart, anyone who wants to share with us is welcome here. You are the giver and the gift, at once.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Hooponopono as a path

One Forgiveness

Bascially my understanding of ho'oponopono, the 3 phrases are:

1. Forgive me
acknowledge thoughts, feelings of all.
( and that includes all family, ancestors, etc, so thats everybody), and it means forgive us for all memories we react to that are in our collective consciousness.
In other words, we take our thoughts to be real, but we are only reacting to memories, held in collective consciousness. we want to have them erased by the divine void.

So we ask forgiveness, and say
2. Thank you..
for erasing these memories that we then react to.
(our part is asking forgiveness, and the divine erases) And I personally feel I have to trust that even if I am still having a lot of thoughts that the calming is going somewhere necessary.
( this particualr aspect for me, stops mind from meddling as much)

One Spirit...

3. I love you,

which expresses that I prefer that peaceful void, and love over all these memories that rise and fall,
(and create conflict) and desire experiencing love, peace, God, divinity, void, more than memories and thoughts. ( and reactions to these)

So you can simply repeat all three phrases or elaborate I guess. I do both.

One Cleansing

Not enough, but i will do better.. This is my understanding...of hooponopono, we each take 100% responsibility , I suppose because we are one. You work on yourself and all others benefit.
Forgive me
Thank you,
I love you

Oh and the way I understand feelings/ thoughts is we are to acknowledge them, and be thank ful they come up to "be erased."

We can't suppress them, we must acknowledge them, and do hooponopono.

One Perfect World


At 11:42 AM, Blogger lynn said...

Faith = surrender to love.

I understand
I am

connected to you,
to each
and all,

I am
in balance,

and harmony, onging loving,
being that which
is, now.


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