In and Out of Consciousness,
an invitation to peace.
Anyone aware of the desire for self realization, interested in Advaita, non dualism, Hooponopono, opening the heart, anyone who wants to
share with us is welcome here.
You are the giver and the gift, at once.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Down to the Nitty Gritty
The worst pollution to the body is bad thoughts, and the worst thought is, " I am the body." Papaji in, This.
the worst thought might even be... "i"
the ahamkara - the thought of i itself. the thought of me. the thought of there being an individuality..
yes, you are right there Ravi.
Wow, to be abl eto see without eyes, truth of Being....all is love.
haha, i spelled ahankara wrong...
no m, just n. ahaNkara
To be or not to be? I am body, I am soul, I am spirit all in one. Always changing, never changing. Love is a rose. Indeed !
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